A Self-Leadership Story with a difference, THE BANK OF LIFE a fresh reminder to give the important things in life the attention they deserve, with the scientific principles set out in this inspirational book positively impacting people around the world.
Synopsis: After a brief encounter at the airport in San Francisco, Sophia, a young leadership consultant from Berlin, begins to receive a series of letters from a kind old banker named Leonardo asking her to publish a book that his late wife, Barbara, a medical doctor, had worked on over her lifetime. Following the couple’s quest around the world, Sophia is soon faced with the fundamental question of how she herself can make smarter deposits into the Big Five accounts at the Bank of Life that the couple have identified, namely our health, our psychology, our work, our relationships, and our finances.
“The Bank of Life accomplishes something powerful: it is as entertaining as it is educating and makes you want to apply the insights gained. Its emphasis on time, self-renewal, and the understanding that life needs us to tap into our own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resources are exactly what we need now.”
—Deborah Zwilling-Ikpoh, Client Director, Duke CE, London & New York
“Katja Kruckeberg provides a well-founded framework that helps people to orient and reenergize themselves in times of constant change and disturbances. A perfect blend of storytelling, scientific insights, wisdom, and life experience.”
—Gero Götzenberger, Global Head of Strategy and Transformation, Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG
“The Bank of Life offers an empowering concept that supports people to renew and re-center themselves in this era of unprecedented change and transformation around the globe. This book is insightful, thought-provoking, and rich with scientific ideas and practical experience.”
—Maria Cristina Bombelli, founder and CEO, Wise Growth; author; former professor, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
“In The Bank of Life, Katja Kruckeberg offers an opportunity, not a ‘how to guide.’ With all the responsibilities placed upon people in today’s fast changing world, The Bank of Life’s timeless principles can help guide anyone to focus on the things that matter in life and to move towards a stronger, more centered version of themselves.”
—Desi Kimmins, Partner, Ernst & Young, London, UK
“Insightful, charming, and full of life’s big questions, The Bank of Life is an intelligent book you will enjoy reading from the beginning to the end. Inducive storytelling and a real page turner! This deserves to be classic!”
—Prof. Carola Hillenbrand, PhD, psychologist, author (Harvard Business Manager, etc.), Henley Business School, UK
“Every so often a book comes along that is somehow different and leaves an imprint on how books are being written. The Bank of Life encompasses timeless principles that can help guide anyone towards more health, happiness, and meaning. Compelling and incisive, this will become the new way of storytelling in the context of self-leadership.”
—Marco Bode, author, business leader, TV producer, UEFA European Football Championship winner, FIFA World Cup finalist, Germany
“A wonderful book, a real story of the heart shared by a writer with soul. It captured my attention from the beginning to the end. This book truly provides the reader with a holistic guide to the practices and mindsets that create a healthy, fulfilling life. Inspiring and entertaining alike.”
—Alicia Molina Parra, lawyer, DEI expert, NGO activist, Director of Global Leadership Development Programs, IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
“The Bank of Life is an invitation to explore those factors in life that have a positive influence on one’s health and overall wellbeing with curiosity and an open mind. What generates health? That is the question that we need to ask before we start to manage people’s diseases! Inspiring, provocative, and entertaining.”
—Prof. Dr. Walter Kromm, medical doctor, researcher, author, & lecturer, Hannover Medical School and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany
“In this fictional account of one couple’s pursuit of health and meaning, the author reveals the key to making the most of our lives. Examining the five accounts that comprise the Bank of Life—physiology, psychology, work, relationships, and finances—she weaves scientific princi- ples into a compelling story to demonstrate how we can get the best returns out of our time.”
—Jérôme Doherty Bigara, coach, consultant, entrepreneur, founder, Circle of Life (global initiative for transitioning executives), London & Mauritius
“What is special about this book is not only the content, but also the way in which know- how and practical knowledge are conveyed. What made all the difference was getting to know and like the characters of the story. Katja not only leaves the reader with prose that is fun to read, but also provides tips on the practical implementation of what has been learned . . . clear and crisp.”
—Dr. Gerald Wiegand, MBA (INSEAD), Country Director, Moderna, Inc., Germany
“This is a must-read book. In a world that is only getting faster, Katja Kruckeberg gives us an opportunity to pause and think about being more intentional in the way we treat others and develop ourselves. Many people will recognize themselves somewhere in this book The reader’s view of themselves and the way they invest the most important resource in life—their time—will not be the same. Have fun finding small things you can do that will make a big difference in your Bank of Life.”
—Spencer Holt, PhD, co-founder & Chief Learning Officer, Global Leader Group; award-winning educator and podcaster, Philadelphia, USA
More Books by Katja Kruckeberg
Advanced Leadership Insights
Advanced Leadership Insights
Great leaders know that prestigious appointments do not only entail advantages, but also major responsibilities. They are willing to set high standards: First and foremost for themselves and only thereafter expect others to follow them. They never rest on their laurels, but embrace life‐long learning. They are thus inspirational roles models for others. They walk the talk and earn loyalty — do not just demand it. They have prepared themselves well without risking complacency or overplaying their strengths. They ensure that more than mere luck will allow them to succeed in a world full of ambiguity, change, dilemmas, and even trilemmas. Most importantly, they orient themselves to follow their moral compass. They also know that it has never been so easy to find inspiration, a reality check, and advice on the development of their situational solutions.
This book aims at providing such easy access to crucial insights into sustaining success. International top management and leadership consultants, lifelong learning experts, experienced executive coaches, and leadership faculty from leading business schools share their insights to help leaders cope with today’s and tomorrow’s complexity.
Leadership and Personal Development
30 Minuten So kommen Frauen in Führung!
Erfahren Sie in diesem Ratgeber, wie Frauen die Hindernisse, denen sie auf dem Weg nach oben begegnen, überwinden können, indem sie überholte Glaubenssätze ändern und sich Erfolgsstrategien aneignen, die auf neuesten Kenntnissen der Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften beruhen. Finden Sie mithilfe von Tests und Checklisten den für Sie passenden Führungsstil, reflektieren Sie Ihr Kommunikationsverhalten und unterstützen Sie auch Kolleginnen auf dem Weg an die Spitze!
Tausche Abendessen gegen Coaching
“Freundinnen-Power intelligent verpackt. Dieses Buch trifft den Nerv der Zeit!”
– Steffi Jones, Fußball-Weltmeisterin, Präsidentin des Organisationskomitees für die Frauenfußball-WM 2011
“Intelligent, innovativ und auf den Punkt! Ein wundervolles Buch, dass ich sofort allen meinen Freundinnen schenken werde.”
– Simone Grabs, ZDF-Regisseurin „37 Grad“, Gewinnerin des Deutschen Sozialpreis.
“Spannend zu lesen. Intelligente Themenauswahl. Ein tolles Geschenk für alle Freundinnen.”
– Esther Sedlaczek, Fernseh-Moderatorin.
„Es wäre zu wünschen, dass sich dieses Buch unter Kolleginnen in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich verbreitet wie ein Lauffeuer. Die Eigenschaften dazu hat es jedenfalls: es ist heiß, es ist ansteckend und voller Energie. So können Frauen etwas verändern und sich selbst treu bleiben.“
– Dr. Carola Hillenbrand, Professor of Organizational Psychology, Henley Business School, UK
„Absolut zukunftsweisend! Das Kolleginnen-Coaching wird aus dem (Unternehmens-) Alltag bald nicht mehr wegzudenken sein.“
– Inger Buus, Vice Präsident. Mannaz. The Leadership Institut. London, UK
„Dieses Buch ist sinnstiftend und überzeugend. Mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen, Humor und jede Menge hintergründigem Wissen motiviert Katja Ihre Leserinnen, das Beste aus sich herauszuholen. Besonders ansprechend finde ich die Idee des Freundinnen- und Kolleginnen-Coachings: warum immer alleine gegen die vielzitierten Windmühlen kämpfen, wenn es gemeinsam doch viel mehr Spaß macht?!“
– Anastasiya Pavloskaya, MBA, Dipl.-Math., VP, Global Product Strategy, Deutsche Bank AG
„Eine geniale Idee- das Freundinnen-Netzwerk zu entwickeln und zu nutzen. Denn Freundinnen sind im Leben einer Frau einfach nicht zu toppen!”
– Maria von Welser, Publizistin und Erfinderin von ML Mona Lisa
„Tausche Abendessen gegen Coaching hat das Zeug zum Lieblingsbuch“
– Birgitta Lamparth, Wiesbadener Kurier
„Es ist eine geniale Idee, das Coaching-Know-How in den Alltag zu holen“
– Dorothee Röhrig, Chefredakteurin EMOTION, Dezember-Ausgabe 2013
„Es gibt schon verrückte Dinge auf dieser Welt. Man stelle sich vor, ein Bäcker würde allen das Geheimrezept für seine Brötchen verraten. Genau das tut Katja Kruckeberg. […] Jetzt hat Sie ein Buch geschrieben, mit dem jeder zum Coach für seine beste Freundin werden kann.“
– Ulrike Schäfer, FÜR SIE, Oktober-Ausgabe 2013